Free Novel Read

Travelling Light

ng Light


  By Vickie Johnstone

  Travelling Light

  A collection of 44 poems by Vickie Johnstone ©

  Copyright © Vickie Johnstone 2011. All rights reserved.

  Originally published in 2011. New poems added in July 2012.

  Six poems added in June 2014 – These twisted paths we tread, We live in the echoes, Smoke, Under a blood red moon, The fox and the mole and Moon over sand. Some haiku changed.All rights reserved.

  Cover illustration: iStockphoto/chuwy.

  These twisted paths we tread was written for a poetry competition on the theme of ‘twisted’, organised by author Uvi Poznansky. You can find her beautiful writing here -

  I hope you enjoy these poems. Feedback is welcome. My other books and links are listed on the last page.


  For everyone who loves to write, draw, paint, dance, sing (I wish I could) or just create something. This book contains some of my poems; some rhyme, some don’t, some are long and some are short. I write them quickly in about five or ten minutes, and sometimes go back to tweak them. They are not about me, but filled with imaginary characters and places. Some of the poems in this book also appear on my blog, where I post my writing, among other things –

  Thank you!

  Books by the author

  3 Heads & a Tail

  The Sea Inside (Cerulean Songs, book 1)

  I Dream of Zombies (book 1)

  Haven (I Dream of Zombies, book 2)

  The Kiwi Series

  Kiwi in Cat City (book 1)

  Kiwi and the Missing Magic (book 2)

  Kiwi and the Living Nightmare (book 3)

  Kiwi and the Serpent of the Isle (book 4)

  Kiwi in the Realm of Ra (book 5)

  Kiwi’s Christmas Tail (book 6)

  Smarts & Dewdrop Mysteries

  Day of the Living Pizza (book 1)

  Day of the Pesky Shadow (book 2)



  Life’s Rhythms

  Travelling Light

  Mind-spinning Rainbows


  The Gage Project charitable children’s anthology, published by Inknbeans Press

  A Very Christmas Zombie anthology, published by ATZ



  8 Haiku

  We live in the echoes



  These twisted paths we tread



  Under a blood red moon

  Hey little girl

  The writer

  Moon over sand




  The fox and the mole



  Footsteps in the rain



  Little boy leaps


  Heading my way?


  Lost and found


  Sea shells



  The pack


  Moving on


  The swans



  About the author


  (from Kaleidoscope)

  She sits and dreams of making rain

  In the dark, shadows dancing mimic

  Colours of the aghast

  Sights and sounds, murmurs

  Still breathing

  Watching over the edge

  Of everything

  The glass splinters into a million shapes

  Cast in a myriad lights

  Bright and sparkling, dancing

  In the spring sun

  Here, she dreams of making rain

  It tears and crashes

  Washing away the shards of glass

  Splattering the colours rent

  With droplets of ice-cold nothing

  Cuts and caresses

  Spikes of grass peeking through

  Clouds gathering


  8 Haiku

  (From Life’s Rhythms)

  Bend in the river

  Where the sharpest roses grow

  Shelter my repose

  Eyes turn to the sun,

  River of blue-black shimmers

  On peacock feathers

  Brown dog woofs, chasing

  Giddy circles without sense

  His tail evades him

  Plunging from the sky

  Trickling over every leaf

  The rain smells green

  She wakes with the morn,

  Daisies woven in her hair;

  So sprightly she laughs

  Raspberries blood-red

  Ripe, soft and so succulent

  Chilled ice-cream slithers

  Some distant day she’ll

  Return when she sees beauty

  In a rainbow sing

  Leaves hurtle, twisting,

  Dropping without an echo –

  Curved, their hands open

  We live in the echoes

  We step inside mirrors

  Lemon petals pave the way

  I sleep in stages, sleep sublime

  Walking pages never read again

  I see the signs yet still forget

  Imagining faces of the past

  A rush of bliss splits the breeze

  Where the peacemaker wanders

  The crevices of the closed mind

  He offers echoes of your stare

  We live in the echoes

  Patterns drawn upon a wall

  Plunging ripples capture all

  The raw beauty of the real

  Where the Fool laughs his last

  Is a time we’ll never see

  For he plays so beautifully

  Daring to step beyond himself

  Embracing all there is to see

  With such wide open arms


  She lives among the dragons, stars and unicorns

  The fairytale world born in her wildest dreams

  Of childhood wandering on the darkest nights

  Beneath the chill of the star-speckled moon

  In the dark the dragons shine their fiery red

  In the light the unicorn bows its silvery head

  She dreams the dreams she yearns to live

  Ascending the high, jagged mountain reaches

  Descending the bleakest, deepest chasms

  She rides the unicorn, outpacing green forests

  Dead set distancing the thickset woods, screams

  The day, the light, the shake of morning dew

  Lifted on breezes the silent wails of the dreamer

  Spinning on tiptoes across the surface of a lake

  Never crack the mirrors in this lingering escape

  Take the dreamer in one hand, bend to fate

  Where she dances in a stream of starlit skies

  Never wandering from the bending, stony path

  In the dark the dragons shine their fiery red

  In the light the unicorn bows its silvery head

  Darkest eyes penetrate the watching innocence

  Of the dreamer floating through the skies

  Never falling, always flying, asleep, suspended

  Travelling in this mystic world so shimmering


  She makes music

  In the silence

  Feels it shine

  In the still

  Wakes the muse

  In the night

  Wanders free

  The pseudonym

  These twisted paths we tread

  She slides between these walls

  one foot, two feet, a hand and two

  this is the space in which she lives

  breathes, empties all that she is

  she knows, where the eye seeks to spy

  through circles drilled into the walls

  the hidden, they watch, scratching idly

  starving for love, the thing she lost

  the ones she forgot were left behind

  they hide now like ghosts in the leaves

  rustling they leap upon the breeze

  echoes of the past haunting mirrors

  the scribe knows, he laughs sometimes

  knowing all the things he does

  it only makes him fail, too self-absorbed

  to comprehend what she really is

  the ghosts they circle inside these walls

  pushing their fingers through the paper

  seeking to caress the curls of her hair

  twisting, she knows they linger

  inside, watching where the beetle runs

  trailing all his miniscule unlived lives

  between the pages of a book unseen

  she lived it, breathed it, all that ripples


  thus she dances here alone, casting

  rainbow dust upon the bleakest grey

  the steel that rusts in crusts of red

  rosebud offerings to the elements

  laughter so raw covers an ache so deep

  like a monster it yearns to spring

  inside, where the waiting ends

  inside, where the spiral grows

  there’s a twist in the passage that eels

  a malevolent darkness screams

  opening the chasm that yawns awake

  stealing tomorrow for its own sake

  it twists, but nothing can touch her,

  lost as she is in the echoes of her past


  In the summer of these times

  Green fields bloom, yellow climes

  Hear the cry of circling birds

  Low bellow of passing herds

  In the mellow morning dew

  Bluest echoes, faintest hue

  Pink waves streak over the sky

  Upwards, the flamingoes fly


  (From Kaleidoscope)

  A door slams

  Out into the night

  Faint heart

  Travelling free as a bird

  Travelling light

  Open roads

  Pale blue skies await

  Distant tracks

  They beckon me

  Bumping along old roads

  Staring back

  Staring far

  So many signs

  For so many places


  Lives unlived

  Wait around the corner

  I bide my time

  There’s no hurry

  There’s really no need

  So I wait

  Gazing out of windows

  Distancing the past

  Meeting new faces

  Measuring glances

  Open roads

  Upon this red-dusted earth

  And nothing is

  As nothing was

  Knowing everything changes

  No-one stops to pause

  Wondering in the midst of

  Choices made

  Choices denied

  And chances missed

  Painted canvases I visit

  Now I’m not chained

  To any one place

  Travelling free as a bird

  I measure my life in two suitcases

  Under a blood red moon

  Layer upon layer of silken swirls

  They slide like tiny white spider webs,

  Shifting like lace, delicate but wild;

  Fingers spreading, gripping the shore

  Seeking to touch my sinking toes

  Here in the dark where silence reigns;

  Cotton wool balls of rolling surf

  Drive, heaving the sand into piles.

  Something glistens beneath the rush

  Of these chill waves, plunging near;

  The eye of the sombre sea beckons,

  Its breath eerily warm in its iciness,

  Scooping, dipping, surging forth.

  A blood red moon hangs in the sky,

  Watching, whispering to the waves

  Breaking in the roar of this embrace.

  Hugging the shore, it searches wide

  For its silent partner on the beach –

  I, standing on the edge, alone.

  My shadow enters the waves,

  My second self lost in the surf;

  It reawakens the life of the sea

  Ebbs and flows returning without me,

  Leaving but a kiss upon the sand.

  Written on a beach at Cromer in 2013. The stars sparkled and the moon was red, so I had to get it down on paper.

  Hey little girl

  (from Kaleidoscope)

  Hey, little girl,

  Where are you going?

  Before you fade

  Into the dark

  Wander into this yellow light;

  Flick your hair,

  Jump into the sea,

  Take a running leap of sheer faith.

  Cut the surf at a run,

  Feeling its cold cascade

  Fall into the depths of the sea.

  Kindle your spark,

  Keep shining

  In the heat of the sun;

  Summer daze,

  Trivial gaze,

  Lazy haze –

  Stay a while and turn your head.

  Keep smiling

  Before it fades

  With the waves,

  Trickling into the shapes

  Of lost feet in the sand.

  The writer

  He carried stories

  Woven in the dark –

  Still, uncoordinated

  Patterns of light.

  Sounds that moved

  As lithe figures,

  Danced into shapes

  Reflecting back

  His own sounds.

  Fond of feeling,

  They moved swiftly

  As though in a play,

  These figures

  He had never met.

  Loose limbed,

  Ever being,

  They wandered free

  Across his pages,

  Untamed and wild.

  He cherished them,

  Watched them grow

  Into their colours;

  Watched them live

  To hate and feel

  And hope, and so

  He set them free.

  Moon over sand

  Electric pink mists streak the blue

  like pastels rubbed by unseen hands;

  dolphins leap in this cerulean escape,

  their curved grey backs gleaming,

  shattering the still image of the moon

  rising beyond where eagles fly,

  stretching up, reaching to the limits,

  reflected in these once still waters.

  The silvery glow of the restless moon

  touches the tall peaks of a castle of old,

  hidden by green ivy creeping its walls,

  majestic in its beauty yet foreboding.

  the dark windows yawn open, awaiting

  any strangers who walk these shores.

  a thin skit of pale wet sand invites,

  carpeting where a drawbridge once hid.

  These ruins waste alone; no one comes

  save for the ghosts who glide by night,

  searching for the souls of lovers past

  until the warming hum of the waking morn.

  tiny birds dive amid these rotting turrets

  while spiders scurry between the floors,

  where once a fine
young princess dwelled

  unravelling her hair to the sands below.


  Mother, I called in the summer,

  Remembering a picture past –

  You were dressed in red,

  Hair glistening in the sun

  You laughed so easily then,

  You felt no passing of time

  I twisted and pulled that day,

  Wriggling to play in the sea,

  But you held on tightly;

  You wouldn’t let me go

  Warm hands protected me

  Against the wild elements

  Today, I remember that summer,

  How the sun shone so bright,

  The seagulls whooped and screamed

  In their crazy delight

  I wanted so much to swim,

  To leave you and play;

  You wrestled my independence,

  Urged me just to stay

  Now I live so far, far away

  In a city built for strangers

  I work in a grey building,

  Dressed in a greyer suit –

  Even my skin feels grey beneath,

  Moving in streets swimming with figures

  Speed is of the essence here,

  Substance long cast adrift

  As I sit here, memories flood,

  Seeing you in this photograph;

  That bright red dress daring me

  To pick up the phone and say hello

  Mother, I’m remembering you

  Pulling this struggling little boy

  So he’d stay just a minute more

  With you.


  So it glides, chasing circles,

  Twisting between the tables.

  A man’s hand reaches for it,

  Flicking ash into a glass bowl;

  Breathing it, devouring it,

  Sucking it in and blowing it out;

  It yields, twisting, turning,

  Darting to and fro in the air.

  He recalls a solitary wandering

  Lit only by the memory of her,

  This pale, faint slip of a girl

  Running with dark hair flying,

  Her sharp heels clipping stone,

  Skirt wrapping itself, closing in

  Tightly around her taut waist

  Where his arms yearn to be.

  It carves itself anew each time

  This blissful memory recorded,

  Becoming ever sweeter still

  As he dreams the unfulfilled.

  He breathes in the scent of her,

  Imagining where she ran to

  Yesterday in the wet tumult

  Surging down in a crystal rush.

  He sucks in the woody smoke

  Blowing it out in a ring of white

  That seems fruitless to bubble

  As it breaks and fades to nothing.

  She dances here on the tabletop

  Where he flicks the greying ash,

  Singing of life – a glimpse of light;

  The reminiscence makes him smile.

  Turning the packet in his hand

  He taps it evenly against the wood

  To a distant rhythm in his mind

  In striking contrast to the blues

  Humming from this old jukebox.

  The cigarette shrinks to naught,

  Burns his fingers until he drops it,

  Squishing it flat in the curving bowl.

  Getting up slowly, he reaches over

  To the sturdy stick always with him.

  The Labrador rises, brushing his legs,

  Inviting his hands to stroke his fur.

  “Attaboy,” he murmurs, smiling,

  Knowing that time has come again.

  Stumbling forwards, he trails his dog

  To the furthest end of the noisy pub.

  Out into the cool air and the dark day,

  He clicks the stick along the street

  And in his mind’s eye she runs ahead,

  Her skirt blowing up to her knees

  While he rushes forth to catch her,

  To sweep her up in his open arms,

  Her raven hair flying in the breeze,

  Twisting like smoke, wild and free.


  In the seconds woven

  In the morning dew

  The light reflected

  A myriad signs

  In the seconds chosen

  In the evening dew

  The dark reflected

  A myriad lines

  I find my way

  In the dark of day,

  Still standing true

  Remember you

  I find this day

  Stands in the way

  Of finding you

  Beneath the blue

  The fox and the mole

  (from Kaleidoscope)

  “Let’s rob a bank,”

  Said the fox to the mole.

  “I’ve got mouths to feed

  And I’m feeling the need.”

  “Okay,” said the mole,

  “But you know I can’t see;

  I can burrow real deep

  Though I might fall asleep.”

  “Well,” said the fox,

  “I can offer my cunning;

  I will find a way inside

  And to you I’ll confide.”

  “Wake me up,” said the mole,

  “When you discover this,

  Because I’ve got a hunch

  We’re in a credit crunch.”

  So the fox went off thinking

  How to rob the posh bank

  And came up with a plan

  While eating a cherry flan.

  “Well then,” asked the mole,

  “What do you suggest we do

  To steal all this money

  But not do anything funny?”

  “Aha,” said the fox, grinning,

  “I’ll tell you what to do –

  Just burrow under the bank

  While I drive up in a tank!”

  “Oh,” said the mole, frowning,

  “I’d never have thought of that.

  I didn’t know foxes could drive –

  Have you told this to your wife?”

  “No, we must keep this secret,”

  Said the fox to the mole,

  “As she’ll have my guts for garters

  And that’s just for